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Oratorios: Jančevskis and Kancheli

12.04.2025. 18.00–21.00
Koncertzāle "Lielais dzintars", Lielā zāle (Radio iela 8, Liepāja)

The Liepāja Symphony Orchestra in collaboration with the State Academic Choir “Latvija” under the direction of conductor Māris Sirmais, invites you to a concert, where the story of Martha from the land of the Letts, the wife of Lithuania’s first crowned king Mindaugas, will combine with musical reflections on Time based on ancient Greek mythology.

The twists and turns of the common history of the Baltic peoples in Jēkabs Jančevskis’ oratorio “From the Land of the Letts” contrast with the mystical atmosphere in Giya Kancheli’s ambitious vocal symphonic composition “Styx”.

Maksims RISANOVS (viola)
Zane JANČEVSKA (narrator)

State Academic Choir “Latvija”
Liepāja Symphony Orchestra
Conductor Māris SIRMAIS

Jēkabs JANČEVSKIS (1992) Oratorio “From the Land of the Letts”
Giya KANCHELI (1935-2019) “Styx” for viola solo, choir and orchestra

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